Friday, December 21, 2007

Illustrators beware

This was an illustration I did in Illustrator a while back for a design company advertising 3 new cell phones. I used a curved perspective, which has it's own curvelinear logic. However, whoever worked on it in post-production didn't seem to grasp this concept as they "corrected" my illustration by making the line on the corner of the building more straight than curved. The line of the pole should match the line of the building to make sense in space. Instead it looks amaturish.
Also, the lines of a Movie Marque should also follow this logic and the letters ideally should be on top of them, not in-between them. It's embarrasing to show the second one, even though this is the one that was published.
What can you do? As an illustrator, apparently nothing.


The Keeper's Notes said...

jeez, what were these people thinking? Interesting to see the original and the screwed up 'fix'. In what form was this published/printed? As a company brochure? I remember when you were working on these. Were'nt there a few?

Everybody's gotta be in a Gang said...

Yeah, I did 4 of them for a magazine. I can't get specific- to protect the innocent.
I can tell you more in person.

The Keeper's Notes said...

ok. and i'll bring the briefcase, but by no means look me in the eye...