Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More NCN

Here's a few more photos from the NCN: Me and Emi with the caricatures we did of each other. She did an amazing caricature them park made out of foam-core with a ferris wheel that actually turned. I was part of the "Horror House"- thus my sharp teeth. There's also one of another Japanese fellow I forgot the name of. His stuff was great, though. Then there's the one I did of Jan from Holland- the last one I did before our time was up and the end of the week.
The last one is one I did of Elgin from memory- just to see if I could do it. It's pastel, and from now on, I'm using pastel paper. I just didn't have any during the trip, and couldn't afford to buy some.


Greg said...

Nice work, Dan... as per usual.

I'm so glad that you were able to overcome your little setback at the convention in such a clever fashion... kinda makes the whole thing seem like it was meant to happen, eh?

Keep up the good work...

Everybody's gotta be in a Gang said...

Thanks, Greg. Yeah, it was a close one, but it all worked out. I'm glad I was able to go in the first place.

Elgin Subwaysurfer Bolling said...

Just scrolled down your blog to see this caricature of me that you did at the con , Dan. Its awesome that you did it from memory... sorry that my ugly mugg is burned into your memory like that! great color choice too!

Everybody's gotta be in a Gang said...

Ha! Thanks, Elgin- it was an interesting exercise; I don't usually draw from memory, but I think it's good for creating something you normally wouldn't have if you had a refference in front of you.