Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Check out my first official website at:

There are a couple things that need to be tweaked, but it looks good- thanks to my web-designer and friend, Tami Swartz.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Laurence Fishburne

Here's the Laurence Fishburne painting in 4 stages. I feel like I'm starting to get more of a handle on the acrylics than I have in the past; the key for me is to establish most of the colors ahead of time and keep them wet in tupperware containers- mixed with retarder and a polymer medium. That way, I can mix them on the surface before they dry and blend them if I need to.
This one is hanging at "Rumours"- 55th & 8th. Ave. in Manhattan.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

And the winner is.....

Justin- for the most comments on my posts from all my blogs for 2007.
You win 1 free drawing- I'll get it to you whenever I see you next.