Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dottie Lux at Go Figure

Here's the cool Dottie Lux at last night's Go Figure. She was a good model and we had some great food from Osha during the long break.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Joseph @ Go Figure

Here's Joseph from last night's Go Figure; he had great expressions as usual. These are all colored pencil- 1 min., 2, 5, 20, and 40 min.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Here's 3 "blind contour" drawings from last night's Go Figure. I got out of doing these for a while, but I came back to it last night- I like doing them because the "mind's eye" tends to create it's own continuity of line, and it's always a surprise as to what exactly you are going to get. Surprises are what makes life interesting to me. These drawings are more about feeling and character than acurate depiction.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

1 more of Erin

Here's one more of Erin- a 20 min. pose. I had a slightly different point of view with all of these due to the new floor chairs I bought- I was much lower to the ground.

Erin@ Go Figure

Here's Erin from last Monday's Go Figure. They are 1 min., 2,2,5, and 5 min. from the top. All colored pencil except the first- reg. pencil.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Cassandra @ GO FIGURE

Here's the elegant, amazing Cassandra from last Monday's Go Figure. It was a coincidence that I just bought a red colored pencil that day and that her hair was more red than usual... or was it? Go figure.